Thursday 20 August 2009

How has it gone so far?

Well here I am I have been painting for almost two years now. At first I could sell not a thing and the paintings were begining to mount. So the first thing I did was put those paintings into the boot of the car. My thinking was that if I ever get half a chance to show them I would do just that. My first opportunity came at a conference I was attending. Over a pint at the bar in the evening I sold two of my paintings. I was overjoyed. At breakfast the next day I sold a further three, without even having to show them again. So I left that conference feeling up lifted. Maybe I should be showing in some local art shows. So far I had not wanted to have the competition and the feeling of rejection, but hey I had sold a few in one weekend. It was later my son said I should consider a website. My mind began to turn and the thought stayed with me. Should I or should I not? We will see next blog.

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